Brave - iOS Connection Issues
Learn about initial troubleshooting steps for common connection issues with Brave VPN

On iOS devices, if you are unable to connect the Brave Firewall or are experiencing a slow connection please do the following as a first step to resolving the connection issue.

1. Open Brave Browser and tap on the three dots in the lower right corner to open the menu.

Brave's homepage showing three dots icon to open menu

2.Navigate to and tap on Settings > tap on Brave Firewall + VPN.

Brave menu showing where to tap on Settings
Brave Settings showing where to tap on Brave Firewall + VPN

3. Next, select "reset configuration" to force a refresh of the connection.

Brave menu showing Reset Configuration button

Showing reset button

If you are still having trouble connecting or notice a slower than usual connection speed, please don't hesitate to send us a support by tapping on "Contact Technical Support" from within the Brave Firewall + VPN settings.

Additional related articles:

Share your current subscription to additional devices with your Brave account

Learn about our partnership with Brave browser

Discover troubleshooting techniques to achieve the best possible connection