How to Activate Guardian Firewall macOS for Guardian Pro Subscribers through App Store
Step by step instructions to activate your current subscription on Guardian for macOS.

For any App Store Guardian Pro subscriber, we have enabled a way to also protect your Mac with your current subscription right now. Essentially, since you have a Pro subscription through the App Store, you'll need to generate an authentication token in Guardian and enter it on your mac to activate Guardian for macOS.

To take advantage of the Guardian Mac app using your App Store Guardian Pro subscription please follow these steps:

1. Open Guardian Firewall on your iOS device.

2. Navigate to Guardian Settings > Advanced and tap on "Generate macOS Access Code". The authentication code will be provided and can only be used once.

3. On your Mac, navigate to the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click the G in the menu bar.

4. Select "Settings" from the drop down menu. A window will appear with the "General" tab selected at the top.

5. Click "Restore Subscription" at the bottom of the Settings window.

Settings window showing Restore Subscription button

6. A new window will appear requesting you to type in the authentication token that was generated in your iOS app. Type in the short authentication token and click "Validate Token".

Apple Subscription Restoration window to enter cross authentication token and validate token button

7. Lastly, navigate back into the menu bar and click onto the Guardian logo and select "Connect."

Additional related articles:

Share your current subscription to additional devices with your Brave account

Take advantage of Guardian Pro with your eero Plus subscription

Guardian Firewall is designed to only allow the Firewall to work through our VPN